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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Using gadgets on a Windows SideShow-compatible device on Windows 7


The gadgets you install on your computer can send information to and update your devices while your computer is on or set to wake when sleeping. You can use gadgets on your device even when your computer is turned off. Depending on the gadgets you install, you can use them to play music on your computer, view your calendar, the weather, your e-mail, and more.

Installing gadgets

Your SideShow-compatible device may come with some gadgets already installed and turned on by the device manufacturer. To learn more, check the information that came with your device or go to the manufacturer’s website.

Additionally, you can install gadgets from the Windows SideShow website.

To use gadgets that you've installed, you have to turn them on in Windows SideShow in Control Panel. For more information, see Turn a Windows SideShow gadget on or off.


  • Some desktop gadgets also support Windows SideShow. To use a desktop gadget on a Windows SideShow-compatible device, the gadget must support Windows SideShow and be running on the desktop. If a gadget supports SideShow, a notification will appear indicating that a new SideShow gadget has been installed. Also, some gadgets may have a setting to enable SideShow support. If you close or remove a desktop gadget, it is removed from your device and no longer appears in Windows SideShow in Control Panel.

Viewing gadgets

You can view the list of gadgets that are installed on your device by going to Windows SideShow in Control Panel. To change the order in which gadgets appear, see Change the order of gadgets on a Windows SideShow-compatible device. Gadgets that have been installed by your device manufacturer may not appear in Windows SideShow in Control Panel.

Changing settings

Some gadgets have settings that you can change by clicking the gadget in Windows SideShow in Control Panel. Each gadget setting applies to all Windows SideShow-compatible devices that are installed on your computer.

Removing gadgets

You can remove gadgets from your devices.

  1. Click to open Programs and Features.

  2. To remove a gadget, right-click the gadget name, and then click Uninstall.

Some gadgets may not appear in Programs and Features because they're part of another program that is installed on your computer.


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